
Alexander Loudon worked for reputable firms as an expert in the field of Commercial Effectiveness and the development of methodologies aimed at the effectiveness of marketing & sales. Alexander has several publications to his credit and is interviewed regularly as an expert in the field of marketing and sales effectiveness. Here is a selection:


Increase customer value

Bringing in new customers is easily five to ten times more expensive than selling additional products and services to an existing customer. Organizations often have a theoretical knowledge of how [...]

More sales, same people

Selling is the core activity of every business. However, in many cases sales results can be improved. Not, as is usually believed, by training individual sales professionals in new skills, [...]

Webs of innovation

As companies co-operate, partner and acquire their way into new markets, networked innovation is set to transform traditional research and development. Find out the best way to take your business [...]


The devil is in the detail

Sales is no mystery – it’s a business process like any other, says Alexander Loudon. But you do need a critical eye to improve it. Sales is a profession. Where [...]

More sales, same people

Sales is a profession. One excels, another achieves less or fails completely The same principle applies to sales management. However, there is no magic involved. Sales is a business process, [...]

Meer verkopen met dezelfde mensen

Sales is een vak. De één is er goed in, de ander minder of helemaal niet goed. Dat geldt ook voor sales management. Het heeft echter niets te maken met magie. [...]


In 4 stappen meer verkopen, met hetzelfde aantal werknemers

Meer salesprofessionals nodig? Stop met zoeken. Volg deze 4 stappen en haal meer sales met hetzelfde aantal werknemers. Alexander Loudon stelt dat iedere salesafdeling meer sales kan bereiken met [...]

Is automatisering een bedreiging voor jouw baan in sales?

‘We kopen nog het liefst van mensen', zegt Alexander Loudon. Volgens hem moeten niet de mensen, maar het salesproces verbeterd worden. De voortschrijdende automatisering heeft bij veel bedrijven heel [...]

Er is veel laaghangend fruit op elke verkoopafdeling

Met grote verbazing ziet Alexander Loudon hoe bedrijven in deze tijd van crisis allemaal op dezelfde voorspelbare, defensieve manier reageren om de recessie het hoofd te bieden: ze snijden [...]